Seeds are honest, they showcase God’s constant care for us!

Seeds are an important symbol and source of lessons in The Bible. In Matthew 13:3-32 Jesus shares three parables comparing God’s kingdom to sown seed.

Here in Ohio marigolds naturally flourish, first flowering and then yielding seed which can be saved to produce next year’s crop. Marigolds are common and bright, but they are also (perhaps unexpectedly) productive!

Here are uses for the common marigold:

1. They add beauty to our lives. They’re easy to grow and will bring a pop of cheerful color to your garden.
2. Marigold foliage enriches the soil while their dead blooms add beneficial nutrients back into the soil.
3. They are a good companion plant (especially to tomatoes). Marigolds grow in similar conditions as tomatoes, while also repelling pests harmful to the tomato.
4. Marigolds prevent pests from above. They attract pest killers (like ladybugs) while repelling harmful insects and animals.
5. They prevent pests from below. Their roots are toxic to microscopic creatures called nematodes that attack plants.
6. Marigolds draw in pollinators!
7. Most importantly marigold seeds and the plants they produce point us back to God.