Disciples vs. Apostles
/Yesterday I was asked to describe the difference between a disciple and an apostle. Let’s take a quick look together, shall we?
Definition of a Disciple
In Matthew 5:1 Jesus prepares to deliver His multi-chapter teaching often called “The Sermon on the Mount.” First He picked His location — in this case a mountain — and then when His followers assembled before Him, He began teaching them. Immediately we see the ingredients for a proper disciple, first following and second truly learning. As I was looking at this passage the location (“up on a mountain”) stood out to me. The first act Jesus did was to set friction between His disciples and His Word. If they wanted to follow and learn from The Teacher, they first needed to choose to climb the mountain to come unto Him. He forced them to exert energy and to make a choice even before His class began. Here Jesus is their Teacher, or Rabbi, and they are His pupils who trail after Him. Their feet pressed into His steps. His Words filled their ears and heart. Their life followed His Way. What would we liken a teacher and his disciple to? Today we are so far removed from the rare structure of a master craftsman and his young apprentice that it likely won’t immediately resonate with us. But truly I don’t think the picture of a craftsman-apprentice relationship takes us far enough, because Jesus’ disciples followed Him with not only their 9am-5pm occupational actions, but with their lives. They walked, talked and lived with Christ, just as we see in John 1.
“Again, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples. And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God!” The two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following, said to them, “What do you seek?” They said to Him, “Rabbi” (which is to say, when translated, Teacher), “where are You staying?” He said to them, “Come and see.” They came and saw where He was staying, and remained with Him that day (now it was about the tenth hour) [likely around 4pm].”
Wrapping up our definition, a disciple is 1. Molded or disciplined in every facet of his life and 2. Moves forward.
True Sheep are Like Disciples
Interestingly, true spiritual sheep follow the same pattern as a disciple — they know (read “have learned”) what to do and they follow their shepherd in an orderly fashion. See John 10:3-4.
Contrasting an Apostle to a Disciple
In contrast, an apostle is a higher level of disciple. Like a disciple, an apostle also has motion, but as a messenger or delegate, his motion is away from his teacher so that he can aid the spread of his master’s message. While a disciple is called to follow and hear, an apostle is commanded to go and preach. An example is Paul who we see was charged to share the glad gospel tidings among the Gentiles.
“Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God...[which] I speak to you Gentiles; inasmuch as I am an apostle to the Gentiles...”
Promoted from Disciple to Apostle
You see, a disciple — whose lifestyle proves he has learned and followed well — can then be promoted, empowered and commissioned by The Master King. The disciple graduates, moving from the position of a pupil to that of an ambassador.
This pattern is plainly laid out for us in Mark 6:1-13. In this passage: 1. The disciples follow Christ 2. He teaches amongst them and the people 3. Jesus calls or commissions His 12 disciples 4. He also empowers the 12 to heal and to identify those who will not hear and then finally 5. He sends them out to preach and heal. This succinct progression shows us the transformation of Jesus’ 12 disciples into Jesus’ 12 apostles!
How about you?
First things first...spiritually speaking who are you to be following and learning from today? Of course you’re to follow Christ, but He is above at The Father’s throne. Practically who is your spiritual teacher / leader on earth? How well are you currently listening to and following your teacher? And is your life qualifying you to become more than just a disciple?
Let’s all follow and learn well today. I say to you, onward brethren!
Verses about disciples
Isaiah 8:16 — the only Old Testament mention of the word “disciple” in the NKJV
Matthew 10:24 — the teacher / disciple structure
John 9:24-29 — the Pharisees claim to be Moses’ disciples
John 19:38 — Joseph of Arimathea was secretly Jesus’ disciple
Acts 9:36 — Tabitha, a female disciple in Joppa
Verses about apostles
Acts 1:15-26 — definition of an apostle of Christ and the replacement of Judas
Galatians 1:1 — Paul is an apostle through Christ, not through man
2 Timothy 1:1 — Paul is an apostle because of God’s will
Hebrews 3:1-2 — Jesus is also an Apostle!
2 Peter 1:1 — Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ