/When I was a young boy we used to sing a song in Sunday school that included the following chorus:
the countdown’s getting lower every day
10 and 9
8 and 7
6 and 5 and 4
call upon The Savior while you may...
As 2022 closes, Christians find themselves one year closer to Christ’s return to claim His people. If today the last trumpet sounded to signal our final transformation (1 Corinthians 15:50-53) would you be fully ready? Or if today your life on earth were to be unexpectedly completed, would you be ready to stand before The Judge of all the earth (Psalm 94:2 and Genesis 18:25)?
“Today I am encouraging you to be ready to stand before Christ.”
Today I am encouraging you to be ready to stand before Christ. I believe that you will be spiritually ready by: 1. Being Intentional 2. Being Wise 3. Being Prepared 4. Being Obedient and 5. Being Observant. As this post began forming in my heart and mind, my attention was drawn to the parable of the ten virgins (five wise and five foolish) in Matthew 25:1-13. My list is simply drawn from this passage. Let’s further explore this list together.
Being Intentional — Matthew 25:3-4
To prepare, let us first plan to be prepared. Let us not underestimate the power of decisions and intent. The aim of the wise young women was always to be prepared! From the beginning of the parable they planned and made ready. They knew they needed equipment (a lamp), supplies (oil) and action (trimming their lamps) and they made the choice to be ready. Likewise, God has already given us clear instruction of who we must become and what we must leave behind in order to join Him. Scriptural examples of how we must prepare include “pursue peace and holiness” (Hebrews 12:14-15) and the lists of sins that exclude people from entering into God’s eternal kingdom (see Revelation 21:8, Ephesians 5:5 and Galatians 5:19-21). In contrast, the foolish virgins simply did not prepare and the reality is that they never intended to be ready!
Being Wise — Matthew 25:2
One of Jesus’ main points is that the five who entered into the celebration were wise. Their wisdom was founded on their choice to be ready, which is connected with their thoughtfulness and ultimately their conviction that, true to His Word, He would return. Thoughtfulness, or consideration, is a mindfulness that takes the time to reflect on what—and Who—is important and what must be gathered and done to prepare for The Groom’s arrival. Knowing He has said ‘I will return’ isn’t enough. Wisdom believes enough to respond and become the type of person that He accepts into His presence. Wisdom is contemplation that yields faith + action based on God’s Word.
Being Prepared — Matthew 25:4 and 7-9
After choosing what to accomplish and deeply considering why it is critical to be ready, the wise literally become ready. Practically speaking the wise virgins simply took the neccesary action. But there’s more, because not only did they prepare but they held on to their preparation. At the critical moment when the unprepared sought to “borrow” their preparation, the wise women held on to their preparation by saying “no.” This begs the question “Who in your life helps you prepare to stand before Christ?” and also “Who is willing to (or able to) hinder your preparation to stand before Christ?” We must commit to being ready at all costs. This may require you or I to say “no” to others, perhaps even a family member or someone important to us.
Being Obedient — Matthew 25:5-6
The wise listened and responded. This is a classic definition of obedience! Yes, they were human and they even rested (after they were ready) due to weariness but ultimately they instantly heard “He is coming” and they sprang into action. We conclude that their obedient preparation wasn’t just mechanical or sterile, rather it was sensitive, active and alive!
Being Observant — Matthew 25:6 and 25:13
At the close of His parable Jesus plainly calls His people to “Watch.” Elsewhere He calls His disciples to “Discern” (see Matthew 16:1-4), which connects with His desire that we employ our senses (sight, hearing, smell etc.) to expect the coming travail — the reality is that God’s people should not be surprised by His coming! He has plainly told us that He is coming and that He will arrive shortly (Revelation 22:12). Let us use our God-given senses to expectantly watch and wait for Him.
I want to help believers prepare to stand before Christ. I want our little flock here in Mount Vernon to be a place where the faithful, prepared ones gather. Is there something I can do to today to help you prepare for The King’s return? If you’re struggling, impatient or weary please consider reaching out to me today, I want to help ( justin@mvgbchurch.com )!
“Beware of the ruler of this world. Beware of his systems and messages which communicate “There is still time. What’s your urgency?”
Beware of the ruler of this world. Beware of his systems and messages which communicate “There is still time. What’s your urgency? Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?” Beware of churches or teachers that delay or impede good works instead of promptly encouraging right choices and right deeds. Beware of false assumptions such as “It’s okay to delay worship” or “Yes, times can changed.” The Truth is that every knee will soon bow to The King! Let us not be deceived, the time to respond to Christ’s commands is now. Let us prepare for eternity, today.
Let’s Respond!
With the hours that are left in 2022, what can you still do this year to get ready for Christ’s return? And if The Lord tarries another 365 days, what steps will you choose to take in 2023 to better prepare your heart to stand before your King?
Let’s finish this last day of 2022 with spiritual fortitude and determination to prepare for His arrival. And finally let’s prepare for tomorrow. Tomorrow let’s offer our firstfruits of a new day, a new week and a new year by worshipping The Coming King, Jesus Christ Who is The First and The Last!
Additional Passages
2 Chronicles 27:6
Matthew 24:36-51
Luke 12:35-48
Romans 13:11-13
1 Corinthians 15:5-53
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
1 Peter 4:7